Below is the DSL which can be used to create a table using GRAILS and liquibase. The preconditions can be used to check if the table already exists, if not then a new table is created.
databaseChangeLog = { changeSet(author: "myname", id: "123456-3") { preConditions(onFail: "MARK_RAN", onFailMessage: "table already exists") { not { tableExists(tableName: "TABLE_NAME") } } createTable(tableName: "TABLE_NAME") { column(name: "id", type: "number(19,0)") { constraints(nullable: "false", primaryKey: "true", primaryKeyName: "ABC_PK") } column(name: "COLUMN1", type: "varchar2(255)") { constraints(nullable: "true") } column(name: "COLUMN2", type: "number(19,0)") { constraints(nullable: "true") } column(name: "COLUMN3", type: "timestamp") { constraints(nullable: "false") } } } }
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