Monday, September 16, 2013

GRAILS Liquibase migration - Execute / run a sql file

The sqlFile method can be used to run a sql file directly from liquibase. Below is the DSL on how this can be done using liquibase and GRAILS.
databaseChangeLog = {

    changeSet(author: "myname", id: "1234567-1") {
        sqlFile( path: 'path-to-sql-file.sql')


Make sure the app has permissions to read the file.

GRAILS Liquibase migration - Add / Create new table

Below is the DSL which can be used to create a table using GRAILS and liquibase. The preconditions can be used to check if the table already exists, if not then a new table is created.
databaseChangeLog = {

    changeSet(author: "myname", id: "123456-3") {
        preConditions(onFail: "MARK_RAN", onFailMessage: "table already exists") {
            not {
                tableExists(tableName: "TABLE_NAME")
        createTable(tableName: "TABLE_NAME") {
            column(name: "id", type: "number(19,0)") {
                constraints(nullable: "false", primaryKey: "true", primaryKeyName: "ABC_PK")
            column(name: "COLUMN1", type: "varchar2(255)") {
                constraints(nullable: "true")
            column(name: "COLUMN2", type: "number(19,0)") {
                constraints(nullable: "true")
            column(name: "COLUMN3", type: "timestamp") {
                constraints(nullable: "false")


GRAILS Liquibase migration - Add new column

Below code shows how to add a new column in an already existing table using GRAILS and liquibase
databaseChangeLog = {

 changeSet(author: "myname", id: "123456-1") {
  addColumn(tableName: "TABLE_NAME") {
   column(name: "NEW_DATE_COLUMN", type: "TIMESTAMP(6)",defaultValueDate: "2013-01-01") {
    constraints(nullable: "false")
 changeSet(author: "myname", id: "123456-2") {
  addColumn(tableName: "TABLE_NAME") {
   column(name: "COLUMN_NAME", type: "VARCHAR2(1020 BYTE)")

GRAILS Liquibase migration - add unique constraint

Below snippet of groovy code shows how to add a unique constraint using GRAILS and liquibase.
databaseChangeLog = {
    changeSet(author: "myname", id: "1234567890") {
  addUniqueConstraint(columnNames: "COL_NAME", constraintName: "SYS_C00123", deferrable: "false", disabled: "false", initiallyDeferred: "false", tableName: "TABLE_NAME")

Saturday, September 14, 2013

GRAILS GPARS parallel thread execution ( Threading )

Executing parallel threads in GRAILS using GPARS is pretty straight forward. We can define a closure which we want to execute in a method and then this closure can be executed in different threads. This is the simplest way of achieving parallelism with GRAILS and GPARS.

public static int THREAD_POOL_SIZE = 6

Closure executeMeInParallel = {
 //Your execution code goes here....
 5.times {
   println it

def f1 = null; def f2 = null; 
GParsExecutorsPool.withPool(THREAD_POOL_SIZE) {
    f1 = executeMeInParallel.callAsync()
    f2 = executeMeInParallel.callAsync()                

That's All !

Friday, September 13, 2013

GRAILS / JAVA MongoDB aggregation year / month / day / hour

Let us try and do some aggregation based on dates. Well, the most common type of aggregation which we can think of using dates is the aggregation by year / date / month etc. etc. I will be doing an aggregation using the morphia library. I will also be using map / reduce to do my aggregation. Let's assume that we have a collection(posts) which has some data like below.
        "_id" : ObjectId("52236140e40247b854000002"),
        "author" : "6mRlPExfM03UQTvMDUkS",
        "body" : "uygu4ndeV0",
        "comments" : [
                        "author" : "lalit",
                        "body" : "This is a test"
        "date" : ISODate("2013-09-01T15:46:08.140Z"),
        "permalink" : "Sbuw5zo5iAuMMAcD008F",
        "tags" : [
        "title" : "Sbuw5zo5iAuMMAcD008F"

Now, we need to do some aggregation so that we get the counts of all the posts w.r.t year / month / date / hour. Basically, here we would be getting counts for all the post hourly.

We would need to define Map and reduce function to do this and then call the Java Map / reduce API.

Let's get handle to our db and collection.
//injecting the mongo bean to our grails service
def mongo

//service method for map reduce calculation
def mapReduce() {
     DBCollection posts = mongo.db.getCollection("posts")

Here goes our map method
private static final String mapHourly = ""
    + "function(){ "
       + "  d = new Date( - 18000000 );"
       + "  key = { year: d.getFullYear(), month: d.getMonth(), day: d.getDate(), hour: d.getHours() };"
       + "  emit( key, {count: 1} );"
       + "}";

Here's our reduce method
public static final String reduce = "function(key, values) { " + "var total = 0; "
                                  + "values.forEach(function(v) { " + "total += v['count']; " + "}); " 
                                  + "return {count: total};} ";

Now we will be calling the Map Reduce API.

//setting the commands
MapReduceCommand cmd = new MapReduceCommand(posts, mapHourly,reduce, null, MapReduceCommand.OutputType.INLINE, null);
MapReduceOutput out = posts.mapReduce(cmd);

//printing the results
for (DBObject o : out.results()) {

So, a complete service class might look something like below.

Class MapReduceService {

//getting the bean
def mongo

//map to be used for hourly calculation
final String mapHourly = ""
    + "function(){ "
       + "  d = new Date( - 18000000 );"
       + "  key = { year: d.getFullYear(), month: d.getMonth(), day: d.getDate(), hour: d.getHours() };"
       + "  emit( key, {count: 1} );"
       + "}";

//map for daily calculation
private static final String mapDaily = ""
    + "function(){ "
       + "  d = new Date( - 18000000 );"
       + "  key = { year: d.getFullYear(), month: d.getMonth(), day: d.getDate(), dow:d.getDay() };"
       + "  emit( key, {count: 1} );"
       + "}";

//map for yearly calculation 
private static final String mapYearly = ""
    + "function(){ "
       + "  d = new Date( - 18000000 );"
       + "  key = { year: d.getFullYear() };"
       + "  emit( key, {count: 1} );"
       + "}";

//map for monthly calculation
private static final String mapMonthly = ""
       + "function(){ "
       + "  d = new Date( - 18000000 );"
       + "  key = { year: d.getFullYear(), month: d.getMonth() };"
       + "  emit( key, {count: 1} );"
       + "}";

public static final String reduce = "function(key, values) { " + "var total = 0; "
                                  + "values.forEach(function(v) { " + "total += v['count']; " + "}); " 
                                  + "return {count: total};} ";

   //service method for map reduce calculation
   def mapReduce() {
     DBCollection posts = mongo.db.getCollection("posts")

     //setting the commands
     // map method can be changed here to use whichever map you want eg. mapDaily, mapYearly ...
     MapReduceCommand cmd = new MapReduceCommand(posts, mapHourly,reduce, null, MapReduceCommand.OutputType.INLINE, null);
     MapReduceOutput out = posts.mapReduce(cmd);

     //printing the results
     for (DBObject o : out.results()) {