Saturday, June 25, 2011

GRAILS Configuration -- Port Settings

Port settings for grails can be done at
Just look for below piece of code
serverPort = getPropertyValue("server.port", 8080).toInteger()
Change the port number to your liking.
Note: port settings is no more available in the init.groovy file.

GRAILS Configuration -- Proxy Settings

There are two commands to set proxy in GRAILS.
  • Add Proxy - adds a proxy server setting in proxysettings.groovy file
  • Set Proxy - sets the current proxy in the proxysettings.groovy file.
grails add-proxy client --host=proxy-server --port=4300 --username=guest --password=guest
grails set-proxy client
For example:
grails add-proxy myproxy --host=internet --port=8085
grails set-proxy myproxy
If you are using windows console then you will need to enclose parameters with double quotes.
grails add-proxy myproxy "--host=internet" "--port=8085"
grails set-proxy myproxy
Settings can then be verified in the proxysettings.groovy file. This file can be located in the .grails folder.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

GRAILS Configuration -- DataSource

The dataSource.groovy file is used for database configuration within Grails. Grails by default comes bundled with HSQLDB. The are three basic environments and settings available for configuration.

  • development
  • test
  • production

  • create-drop : Creates all the tables when application is started and drops them when application shuts down.
  • create : Creates all the tables when application starts.
  • update : Updates already created tables. Used in production mode.
URL : This option specifies which url and which database to hit for a particular environment.

As soon as a new app is created, the datasource file will be configured to HSQLDB. Below is the code.

dataSource {
    pooled = true
    driverClassName = "org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"
    username = "sa"
    password = ""
hibernate {
    cache.use_second_level_cache = true
    cache.use_query_cache = true
    cache.provider_class = 'net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.EhCacheProvider'
// environment specific settings
environments {
    development {
        dataSource {
            dbCreate = "create-drop" // one of 'create', 'create-drop','update'
            url = "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:devDB"
    test {
        dataSource {
            dbCreate = "update"
            url = "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:testDb"
    production {
        dataSource {
            dbCreate = "update"
            url = "jdbc:hsqldb:file:prodDb;shutdown=true"

  1. First section specifies the driver of the database and also login credentails.
  2. Second section is for hibernate settings.
  3. Third section is for dbCreate and url settings for each of the environment.
For configuring the datasource to MYSQL, Firstly the MYSQL JDBC Connector JAR needs to be added to the lib folder. The JAR can be found here. So, finally the datasource for MYSQL could be something like below.

dataSource {
    pooled = true
    driverClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
    username = "root"
    password = ""
hibernate {
    cache.use_second_level_cache = true
    cache.use_query_cache = true
    cache.provider_class = 'net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.EhCacheProvider'
// environment specific settings
environments {
    development {
        dataSource {
            dbCreate = "create-drop" // one of 'create', 'create-drop','update'
            url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/devDb"
    test {
        dataSource {
            dbCreate = "update"
            url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/testDb"
    production {
        dataSource {
            dbCreate = "update"
            url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/prodDb"

Also, when we do a Grails run-app it runs the application in dev environment by default.
So, in order to run it in test environment use

grails run-app (will run in development environment by default)
grails test run-app (will run in test environment)
grails [env]* run-app (Basic Syntax)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

GRAILS Getting Started

I have been working in GRAILS for more than a year and was very much impressed with the simplicity and power of this framework. It's a JAVA/J2EE framework which is based on GROOVY and SPRING SOURCE. The framework follows a convention over configuration design. In short, it helps me to get rid of loads and loads of xml configuration.


Installing GRAILS should be a piece of cake for any java developer. Infact you can even install grails and groovy directly from your eclipse spring tool suite. Anyways its up to you but I rather like the console version for commands.


This is basically the first step of GRAILS. This can be done directly from console or from your Spring Tool Suite Dashboard.

Once Grails support is installed for your spring tool suite, you will get an option of creating a new grails project from the STS dashboard. 

This is the console command for creating a new web project or app. 

Beware : The console command will create your new project in the current working directory whereas the STS will create it in your workspace.


Once an app is created, GRAILS will create quite a lot of folders for you.
I created an app called LetsGrail. Below is the complete folder structure of the app.

Folder structure of grails within STS

I believe all the folder names are self explanatory so I will leave it for you to figure out. In addition to this GRAILS will also create folders called .grails and .ivy2 in your Users folder. For me its here C:\Users\Lalit\. We will discuss more about both the folders when we go deep into grails.


In my next post, I will explain about the database connection in GRAILS and basic configurations.